Archived Sermons 2015-2016

Page 1: 2016 Fourth Quarter

中文堂信息: 一嬰兒孩為我們而生, Pastor Joseph Chang
信息大綱  Sermon Outline
投影片 Power Point
English Service: A Child is Born,  Pastor Joseph Chang

2016.12.18-20 English Camp
Theme: Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10
2016 Youth Retreat Session 1 audioRetreat to Retreat or Retreat to RespondDavid Ding
2016 Youth Retreat Session 2 audio, From Head to Heart to Hand, Pastor Barry Gin
2016 Youth Retreat Session 3 audio, Joyful Passion, Pastor Barry Gin
2016 Youth Retreat Session 4 audio, Joy for Eternity, Pastor Barry Gin

中文堂信息: 長夜漫漫見天光, Pastor Joseph Chang
信息大綱  Sermon Outline
投影片 Power Point
English Service: The Nights Lead to Christmas,  Pastor Joseph Chang

中文堂信息: 行動的教會, Pastor Joseph Chang
信息大綱  Sermon Outline
投影片 Power Point
English Service: Church of Action,  Pastor Joseph Chang

中文堂信息:七週年歡慶及見證, Pastor Joseph Chang
投影片 Power Point
English Service:church-7th-anniversary,  Pastor Joseph Chang

中文堂信息: 呼召(2), Pastor Joseph Chang
信息大綱  Sermon Outline
投影片 Power Point
English Service: Calling(2) ,  Pastor Joseph Chang

中文堂信息: 上帝的呼召, Pastor Joseph Chang
信息大綱  Sermon Outline
投影片 Power Point
English Service: God’s Calling ,  Pastor Joseph Chang

中文堂信息: 靠主喜樂, Pastor Charles Lin
信息大綱  Sermon Outline
投影片 Power Point (中文)  Power Point (English)
English Service: The Joy of the Lord is your strength ,  Pastor Charles Lin

中文堂信息: 監獄事工分享, Pastor Emily Loon

中文堂信息: 神作事的法則, Pastor Esther Chang
English Service: God’s Way ,  Pastor Esther Chang

中文堂信息: 海獸與地獸, Pastor Joseph Chang
信息大綱  Sermon Outline
投影片 Power Point
English Service: Beast of the Sea & Beast of the Land ,  Pastor Joseph Chang

中文堂信息:撒旦對以色列, Pastor Joseph Chang
信息大綱  Sermon Outline
投影片 Power Point
English Service: Satan Vesus Israel ,  Pastor Joseph Chang

中文堂信息: 扼要重述, Pastor Joseph Chang
信息大綱  Sermon Outline
投影片 Power Point
English Service: Resumptive Repetition ,  Pastor Joseph Chang

中文堂信息: 兩個見證人 , Pastor Joseph Chang
信息大綱  Sermon Outline
投影片 Power Point
English Service: Two Witnesses ,  Pastor Joseph Chang